On behalf of St. Paul Parish, congratulations on your engagement and on your decision to enter into the holy and joyful state of marriage. We will do our best to make this day a beautiful and prayerful one.
Marriages can be celebrated at either of our churches – St. Paul at 923 Christian St or St. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi at 714 Montrose Street. Contact the parish office at (215) 923-0355 or st.paul.philly@gmail.com and inquire about the date, time and church of your choice. To reserve your chosen date, a $250 deposit must be paid to St. Paul Parish. Payment can be made through Venmo (@StPaulPhilly) or by check (808 S. Hutchinson St. Philadelphia, PA 19147)
- Catholic parties are required to present a recent copy (within six months of the wedding date) of their baptismal certificates. If you were baptized at St. Paul or St. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi, we already have your baptismal record.
- If you are marrying a baptized non-Catholic, they should present a copy of their baptismal certificate.
- Catholic parties not from St. Paul Parish (bride or groom) are required to present a “Letter of Freedom to Marry” from his/ her parish. This may be obtained from the Parish Office of your home parish.
- The couple should meet with a member of the parish staff of St. Paul and provide essential contact information: address, phone and email.
- Couples are required to fill out some paperwork with the parish; this is known as the Pre-nuptial Investigation. This usually requires three meetings: the initial meeting to get to know each other, the more in-depth meeting to focus on preparation for marriage and the last meeting to prepare for the wedding ceremony.
A Pre-Cana Workshop is required for all engaged couples. The Pre-Cana Workshop is based on the four major aspects of marriage. Pre-Cana Workshops may be taken in any diocese. Check on-line for Catholic Marriage Preparation Classes.
When you have completed your Pre-Cana classes, please return the Certificate of Attendance to the St. Paul Parish office.
You should choose three Scripture readings for your wedding: One from the Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures), one from the New Testament (Christian Scriptures) and a Gospel. These can be found on the St. Paul Parish web page.
Please contact the Coordinator of Liturgical Music at least three months before your wedding. All musical arrangements, including obtaining cantors and instrumentalists, are arranged by the coordinator. She can be contacted through the parish office.
If the parish organist or cantor is not used and you choose to hire your own, the fee of $250.00 must still be paid to parish personnel since our organist and cantors are contracted. If you wish to use your own cantor or organist, please inform the coordinator. Likewise, the coordinator will be more than happy to assist in the hiring of other instrumentalists (for example, a Trumpeter).
– There is a $50 rehearsal fee payable to the parish musician if the parish musician needs to work with an outside cantor.
– The fee for our Organist is $250.00.
– The fee for our Cantor is $250.00.
– Payment of music fees must be made directly to the Pastor prior to the wedding on the night of the rehearsal. The Marriage License should also be presented at this time.
St. Paul Church has no parking and no parking lot. Commercial and street parking is available in the neighborhood, where permitted. There is a pay lot at the Acme Food Store located at 10th and South) with their lot entrance located on South 11th Street, just north of South Street. Please contact Michele Gambino at italianmarketinfo@gmail.com to inquire about renting the Italian Market parking lot, located on Carpenter Street. The lot at Christopher Columbus Charter School can be used with their permission. Their contact information is at the rectory.
Floral arrangements are made with a florist by the couple. We recommend one arrangement on either side of the Tabernacle. These arrangements are a donation to the church; therefore, they must remain on the altar after the liturgy. Flowers may be attached to designated pews however; tape or other damaging adhesives are not permitted so as not to damage the pews.
On the evening of your rehearsal, you are asked to bring with you the following items:
- MARRIAGE LICENSE – You must obtain a Pennsylvania license. Both parties must appear in person to apply. The couple can apply in any county. The license remains valid for sixty (60) days. Both parties must supply proof of identification and age through one of the following: driver’s license, passport, birth certificate or Pennsylvania non-driver’s license. If either party has been divorced or widowed, they must present a copy of the divorce decree or death certificate. Please check out https://www.phila.gov/services/birth-marriage-life-events/marriage-and-divorce/get-a-marriage-license/ for the latest information
Philadelphia County
City Hall – Room #413
Monday through Friday
8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
$90.00 – cash ONLY - OFFERING & FEES—Please put in separate envelopes and mark each with the recipient.
- A: Fee for use of church $1,000
- Organist: $250.00
- Vocalist: $250.00
- Sacristan: $75.00
- Priest performing your wedding: offering of your discretion
3. MARRIAGE LITURGY FORM (which will be handed to you at your meeting with the priest prior to the rehearsal) should be completed and presented.
Our Pastor is always happy to do your wedding; however, he extends professional courtesy if you wish to bring your own priest. It is your responsibility to provide a separate and agreed upon stipend to the guest priest.
If the guest priest serves outside of the Philadelphia Archdiocese, he would have to present a Letter of Suitability which he would obtain from his bishop or religious superior.
If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them.